Feast of Pentecost

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God’s Festivals in Scripture Part 1 Spring Festivals

God’s Festivals In Scripture Part 1: Spring Festivals

God’s Festivals In Scriptures in History challenges Christians to bring about worship renewal by developing a church calendar patterned after the religious calendar God gave to Israel. Such a calendar would celebrate during the course of the year the redemptive accomplishments of Christs first and second Advents. We cannot preach the whole Bible in one sermon. We cannot celebrate the whole story of redemption in one Sabbath. A church calendar patterned after the calendar of Israel can help to do justice to all the great saving acts of God. The first volume on The Spring Feasts examines Passover and Pentecost historically, typologically and theologically. It shows how the Springs feasts of Israel helps us understand the redemptive accomplishments of Christ’s First Advent.

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Original article provided by http://www.friendsofsabbath.org/Further_Research/Bacchiocchis%20Research/God’s%20Festivals%20vol1.pdf

The Thread: By Ronald L. Dart

The Thread: By Ronald L. Dart

There is a thread that runs from the beginning to the end of the Bible that few seem to understand. There are specific points along that thread where God chose to act in history. In the Bible, these are called, “the appointments” of God. Because they occurred in connection with events in Jewish history, the days took on the meaning of those events. But then came Jesus, and the great events of his life and work also took place on these appointments. Moreover, the future plans of Christ are also reflected in these appointments along the thread. Traditional beliefs say that the festivals came in with the old covenant and went out with the cross. But as you follow The Thread, you will find that explanation will not hold.

The feasts we find in the Bible are transcendent, and from the very beginning pointed, not so much at Israel’s history, but at the work and ministry of Jesus Christ in history. As you pick up The Thread and follow it, things will become clearer. The Festivals of Jehovah mark places where we can most easily find The Thread. You will understand how each of God’s holidays points to Christ and impacts your life. Understanding this will simplify the Bible and deepen your understanding.

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Original article provided by http://servantofmessiah.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2011/09/Gods-Holy-Days-Ron-Dart.pdf