Galatians From A Pro-Torah Perspective:

Did Christ (Yeshua) really abolish the Law of God? What was the Apostle Paul talking about when he warned the Galatians not to turn back to the “weak and beggarly elements of the world”? Investigate Galatians from a pro-torah perspective.

Galatians 5:2-3 Is the Torah for the Jews Only?

Galatians 5:2-3 | Falen From Grace?

It is true that in various sectors of Messianic Judaism, particularly those which promote a bilateral ecclesiology of the Kingdom of God composing two sub-groups of elect, Israel and “the Church,” that it is believed that only Jewish people are really supposed to follow the Torah. Non- Jewish Believers can keep the Torah if they wish, but it is not required or really expected of them. Galatians 5:2-3 is offered as a proof text in support of this position, as the non-Jewish Galatians who would be circumcised in the First Century, would apparently make themselves obligated, the same as any Jew, to keep the Torah.

Galatians 3:23-25 Meaning of ‘Schoolmaster’ or ‘Pedagogue’

Galatians 3:23-25 Meaning of ‘Schoolmaster’ or ‘Pedagogue’

Daniel Botkin provides an understanding definition of ‘pedagogue’ as contained in Galatians 3:23-25: “But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.”

Galatians 3:23-24 How the torah leads us to Christ

Galatians 3:23-24 How the Torah Leads Us to Christ

The pastor we are examining is correct when he asserts, “The Law is our tutor to lead us to Christ,” citing Galatians 3:24 as evidence. The challenge with his assertion, though, is not in the need for the Torah’s instruction—and our widespread human inability to keep it—to reveal our sin and point us to the Messiah and the eternal redemption He provides (i.e., Romans 10:4, Grk.). The problem is that (1) when the good news is declared in much of Christianity today, people are only told about the love of God but are often never told about the judgment that is pronounced upon them as sinners, precisely because they are condemned as Torah-breakers (cf. Isaiah 24:5-6). And, (2) it has become far more commonplace in examination of Galatians to read Galatians 3:22- 25 from the perspective of it not speaking of individuals on the road to salvation, but instead of it speaking historically of the Jewish people keeping the Torah prior to the arrival of the Messiah— with the Torah only in temporary effect to be obeyed until His arrival.

A Torah Positive Summary of Galatians

A Torah Positive Summary of Galatians

Any discussion on the subject of Torah almost always mentions Sha’ul’s Letter to the Galatians. Many assert that this letter absolutely prohibits the practices of the first five books of the Bible by believers in Yeshua or that the Torah can have a meaningful place in the everyday life of the believer. Because of this thinking we thought it would be helpful to present a different approach to the Book of Galatians, one which we think is more in tune with the tenor of the rest of Scripture.

Investigating Galatians: A four part series

Investigating Galatians: A four part series

This four-part series provides an excellent in-depth investigation into the book of Galatians from a pro-torah perspective. Several questions are addressed to include: Was the apostle Paul against the Law? What was the point of God’s Law? Is there to be a different law for Jew and Gentile?