Ephesians From A Pro-Torah Perspective:
What was the dividing wall as spoken of in Ephesians 2:14? Have the commandments been ‘done away’ or been abolished? What has been done in order to reconcile Jew and gentile? Find out what the ‘law of commandment contained in ordinances’ and the ‘wall of seperation’ is, and investigate Ephesians from a pro-torah perspective.
Is Paul Opposed to the Torah (Law) in Ephesians 2:14-15?
Ephesians 2:14-15 are challenging verses for many within the Messianic movement, with few being able to even respond to the pastor’s remark “The Law was abolished in the flesh of Christ.” If in Ephesians 2:14-15 the Apostle Paul is saying that Yeshua the Messiah abolished the Torah of Moses, then this would be in flat contradiction of the Savior’s own words regarding fulfillment of the Torah (Matthew 5:17-19)—yet no one can deny the significance of how in Him a “one new humanity” (NRSV/CJB/TNIV) composed of Jewish and non-Jewish Believers must emerge, a clear testament of His grand salvation for all people. We need to look at Ephesians 2:14- 15 a bit more closely, and keep in mind what kind of law is being specifically addressed here. Is God’s Torah actually a cause of enmity or hostility for people, or might something else be in mind?
Ephesians 2:14-15: What has been abolished?
Ephesians 2:14-15 are challenging verses for many within the Messianic movement, with few being able to even respond to the pastor’s remark “The Law was abolished in the flesh of Christ.” If in Ephesians 2:14-15 the Apostle Paul is saying that Yeshua the Messiah abolished the Torah of Moses, then this would be in flat contradiction of the Savior’s own words regarding fulfillment of the Torah (Matthew 5:17-19)—yet no one can deny the significance of how in Him a “one new humanity” (NRSV/CJB/TNIV) composed of Jewish and non-Jewish Believers must emerge, a clear testament of His grand salvation for all people. We need to look at Ephesians 2:14- 15 a bit more closely, and keep in mind what kind of law is being specifically addressed here. Is God’s Torah actually a cause of enmity or hostility for people, or might something else be in mind?
The ‘Wall of Separation’ in Ephesians 2:14
The unity Paul speaks of is inclusive (“How do we include everybody?”), not exclusive (“What people do we need to kick out?”). In Ephesians 2, what was the “law of commandment” and the “wall of separation”, and what was abolished by Jesus? How to work toward unity today. Roles of the leaders toward unity. Unity by coercion will not last; authoritarianism divides and is contrary to the Ephesian instruction. Every joint has its role – no exclusiveness.
The ‘Dividing Wall’ in Ephesians 2:14
Many commentators interpret Eph. 2:14 (the “dividing wall” passage) as teaching that some (all?) of God’s commandments in the Law (Torah) have been done away with, so that Jew and gentile could be “one new man” in Yeshua. But is this really what’s being said?
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